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Essay Database > Literature > English
he good news is: the girls restroom is not filled with cigarette smoke and girl hoods smoking. The bad news -- devastating news for a former chemistry and physics major -- is that there are new elements on the Periodic Table of the Elements! In my 28-year absence from high school, they have discovered Uun (Ununnilium, 1987), Uuu (Unununium, 1994) and Uub (Ununbium, 1996). Oh, they discovered Seaborgium and Bohrium in the '70s, but we knew those …

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…the draft defined my high school experience. Now they study it. The women agreed that pregnancy is still a big mistake, drugs can be avoided, alcohol is everywhere. All of them said guys harass them continually. In really crude, disgusting ways. Two young women said they'd transferred to Steller simply to feel safe in the halls because fights at their old schools scared them. I gaped. Smoke in the girls rooms suddenly seemed so safe.