Chemical Weapons Use In Warfare And Terrorism

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
In recent years, through various terrorist attacks, chemical and biological weapons have become a threat to the general public. Chemical weapons are weapons that contain chemical agents. These agents are poisonous chemical compounds that can injure or kill individuals through contact, inhalation or ingestion. The chemical agent can be in the form of liquids or gasses but can vary in properties. The agents are generally stable whilst being stored but can be very reactive when …

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…creasing chemical technology, new ways to prepare and utilize chemical agents, chemical weapons have become a threat to our society especially when in the hands of a terrorist group. Terrorist attacks are unpredictable, they could target the next Olympic games, or a major political convection. Terrorists have used chemical weapons in the past and most probably use them again, unless something is done about countries producing these agents and selling them to such terrorist groups.