Chemical Warfare

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Chemical warfare is war fought with chemicals. The development of chemical weapons and defenses against these weapons are usually considered together in military training. These weapons can be designed to kill large numbers of people, disable them for a while, or destroy their food supplies. The weapons are usually effective without destroying property. Chemical agents affect the nervous system, breathing centers, skin, eyes, nose, or throat. They include gases, liquids, sprays, and powders. They can …

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…police and military forces increased their use of non-lethal riot-control agents to control a lot of internal problems they had. The same agents were used also in the battlefields of Southeast Asia. The American and South Vietnamese military forces used them in 1965. Another place where a lot of herbicides were used was in the Vietnam War. In this war, the Agent Orange was used to destroy the big-forested areas that were used as guerilla bases.