Chef's House-The difference between Edna and Wes

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Essay Database > Literature
In the short story "Chefs House," the author Raymond Carver, introduces a recovering alcoholic named Wes, whose friend, a recovering alcoholic named Chef, allows him to live in his house. Wes invites his wife Edna to come stay with him, even though the two are separated. Edna agrees to stay with Wes for the summer, and she leaves her boyfriend, who also appears to be a recovering alcoholic. They both begin to live their lives …

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…of Edna living with Wes or perhaps the end of Wes being upset about moving out of Chef's house. It is human nature to look at the negative things a bad situation brings, and this is what Wes does when he learns he must leave the house. It is hard for people like Wes to change and this can be seen when Wes continues to go back to alcohol when things are not going well.