Cheerleading: Sport Fact or Fiction?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
"She's ditzy," "They're snobs," "What an airhead," and the list of unflattering traits goes on. When referring to cheerleaders, chances are you've probably heard them all. You may imagine a cheerleading member is not too bright, and more concerned about what shade of red lipstick to wear than world events. Most people think of cheerleading squads as a social club of good-looking girls who wouldn't give the average Joe the time of day, right? Wrong. …

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…offended many coaches and others involved in cheerleading, including myself, is the assumption that cheerleading is not a sport. Just like basketball, football, and baseball, Cheerleading is a sport. So, the next time you look at a group of cheerleaders, whether they are on the field or a competition mat, remember she/he has put in many hours of dedication and there is more there than good looks, a pretty smile, and an outgoing personality.