Cheating In School

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Essay Database > Literature > English
I will never forget my first experience with "academic dishonesty." It was my junior year of high school and my chemistry teacher was not too adequate, to say the least. He gave his lectures in inhuman speeds and still expected us to understand every pearl of wisdom that came out of his mouth! God forbid we ever asked him a question to clarify the topic he was lecturing about. "Weren't you paying attention?" was the …

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…only taught us that cheating was not only okay but also easy to get away with. Did I ever cheat again after that? I would be lying if I said no. Luckily, I have not had a need to cheat since my last year of high school and I hope that I will never feel the need to fall back on such deception. Hopefully, the need or the opportunity ever will arise again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**