Charles Dickens¹s Great expectations

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
could add something about Jaggers washing his hands (symbolic of riding himself of thinking of work) she really enjoyed it, and she had thought about the same things that I presented Charles Dickens's Great expectations is a story about a boy, Philip Pirrip, who comes to a point in his life where his life changes drastically from the way it was when he was growing up. Whenever this change occurs, he does his best not …

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…are someone else. Mostly this happens because that person is afraid that they will not "fit in" with the rest of the crowd. Ok, I'll come clean. At one time I was one of these people that tried to fit in. I later realized that I was just denying who I really am. I have a feeling that, by the end of the novel, Pip will have a better standing of who he really is.