Charles Dicken's "Great Expectations".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Is it more important to be loved and honored or more important to be rich and powerful? That is the question that Philip Pirrip, better known as "Pip," in Charles Dicken's Great Expectations, must ask himself. Pip is a very ambitious young man who wants to become more than he already is. He comes from a poor background of which he is ashamed. He wants to become rich and powerful, but that does not seem …

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…whole psychological cycle. At first, he is sympathetic, then by a more or less natural process, he turns into something unsympathetic, then he becomes sympathetic again" (Wilson). Pip is meant to show how certain circumstances can corrupt men (Chesterton). After all that he goes through, in the end Pip realizes what is really important to him. He realizes that is more important to be loved and honored than it is to be rich and powerful.