Charles Dickens' Character Scrooge From "A Chistmas Carol".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In the story A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, the character Scrooge is established. Since the late 1800's when the novella was written, Scrooge was thought of as being mean, and continues to be viewed as a stereotype of greediness. In the article "Courage under terrible fire" by Marci McDonald, Josh Fischman, and Mary Brophy Marcus, two brothers, John Moise and William Moise Jr., both firemen from Providence, Rhode Island, go to New York City …

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…of heroism and generosity. Although no one is perfect, in my eyes William, John, and Scrooge are great men. Scrooge isn't thought of as a great man to most, and most people haven't heard of the bucket-passing crew consisting of William Moise Jr. and John Moise, they are heroes when I think of them. They both enjoy(ed) life and people will remember them as great people. That is what a hero is to me.