Charismatic Leadership

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
I've done my extra report on charismatic leadership because its one of the more recent theories on leadership. I've been more interested in what makes a person charismatic since doing my interview project of a leader. My questions resulted in a focus on charisma. Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines charisma as a special characteristic of some leaders to lead. People usually feel personally attracted to a charismatic leader and this attraction can lead to powerful leadership. A …

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…This allows the other person to correct wrong assumptions right away, and lets him or her know that you are processing new information and are on top of the situation. I think that some of the above is easier said than done. I've read from other sources that a person cannot become charismatic (some have it and others don't). I honestly believe that a person can improve enough to do ok in a leadership position.