Characterizing Revenge in the Past and Present

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Everybody has felt and taken action on the emotion of revenge, whether it is on your sibling, friend, or enemy. Vengeance is an extremely popular emotion in today's life as it was Shakespeare's time. Today, this reaction is apparent on the news when, for example a Palestinian terrorist organization will blow up a bus full of Israelis because of a military action that the Israeli army made. It also occurs on many television shows such …

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…necessary to get their revenge through terrorism. But this emotion does not only occur in present time, for it was also felt in the past, in Shakespeare's time. The villain in William Shakespeare's play Othello, Iago, forms his evil plan based on his feeling of retribution upon Othello and Cassio. His wishes of revenge are the catalyst of the play and show that this important but devastating emotion has occurred in both past and present.