Characteristics of High Performance Team

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
"Entelechy reviewed over 50 studies on high performance teams and compiled a list of high performance team characteristics. Characteristics are grouped into eight categories as indicated below." 1. Participative Leadership 2. Responsive 3. Aligned on Purpose 4. Communicative 5. Task Focused 6. Problem Solving 7. Shared Responsibility 8. Innovative (Traut, Retrieved from web) "High Performance teams are created with a mission or purpose in mind." (Bodwell, Retrieved from web) When forming team or group, communication is necessary to share a mission and to understand …

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…apply for teamwork properly, team or group can be effective and/or can become high-performance, because demographic characteristics and cultural diversity would bring the variety of ideas and creative solutions. Reference: Donald J. Bodwell, high performance team concepts, Schermerhorn, Hunt & Osborn, Organizational Behavior, 2005, 9th edition, J. Wiley & Sons, Inc Terence Traut, Characteristics of High Performance Teams,