Character Sketch on Lindo Jong, from "The Joy Luck Club".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Joy Luck Club The Key to understanding Lindo Jong is that she is a very strong and imaginative woman. She thought up a lie to get her out of her arranged marriage as a child, while still honouring her mother and father's intentions for her. However, aside from Lindo's creative and fun personality, she is also very proud and narrow minded. Lindo Jong was brought up as a Mandarin Chinese woman. As being so, …

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…go. She is a very complex woman whose children don't even understand her. Lindo Jong seems hard to get along with because of her lack of understanding and her constant need to become better then everyone else around her. Her pride makes her strong, but it also brings her down because she can never let things just be as they are. She always has to go one step further to prove that she is right.