Character Sketch of Okonkwo in "Things Fall Apart"

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
"Things Fall Apart" is a tragic novel, which is set in the Igbo community of Africa. Chinua Achebe, who is the author of this novel, portrays how an ambitious, well known, and respected African, Okonkwo, life falls apart. He was a man with great intensity and personality. He had accomplished his goal to become rich and famous and committed suicide after things in his life wasn't going all right. Okonkwo was a farmer and he …

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…and with two quick swings of it, a white-man's messenger lay dead on the ground, his head cut clean off. The next morning, Okonkwo is found dead by his own hand. He had deep beliefs in his religion, as well as respect for the white man, but he knew they had now gone over the boundary lines. He didn't like what was happening to his people and he decided life was not worth living anymore.