Character Sketch by: Trevor M. McDowell

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Character Sketch <Tab/>Six feet tall, brown hair and eyes. A nice complexion anyone can see. Rosy red cheeks accompanied by inviting eyes. A muscular build covered by fat. Girls' think he's cute, guys think he's cool. Both genders agree he's a genuine person. He accepts people for who they are, not what. He's emotionally matured beyond most of his age group. His peers are now realizing his worth. Some wishing …

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…on the past. Even with all this against him, he finds the strength to wake up every day, hoping for a better tomorrow; a more perfect world. Putting on a smile to act as a barrier between reality and the dark intrapersonal void that is his soul. Will anybody ever actually meet the real person? One things for sure though, he'll never stop being himself. Believing in what is right and always defending his servitude.