Character Decription of Mark Anthony and his role in the Shakespearean play, "Julius Caesar"

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As a whisper becomes a shout, so does the passionate and cunning ambitions of Mark Anthony prevail. Mark Anthony serves as a developing passionate and lively character. His love for Caesar is deep-rooted, as Cassius says (II, 1,183) His quiet, obedient exterior quickly dissolves upon his discovery of Caesars death; he quickly speaks his mind, "O mighty Caesar! Dost thou lie so low? Are all thy conquests, glories, triumphs, and spoils, shrunk to this little measure? …

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…power lust follows him everywhere. He continues to explain how he will use Lepidus as a tool for his selfish ambitions (IV, 1, 18) Only after conquering all, does Anthony step down to sincerely recognize the nobility of Brutus (V, 5, 68). Then, fully developed, Mark Anthony had the cunning and reputation to lead Rome. As in the play Machbeth these words occur, (II,1) "Under him my genius is rebuked, as it is said Mark Anthony's was by Caesar."