Character Analysis of "The Chrysanthemums".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
John Steinbeck's short story, "The Chrysanthemums," revolves around the protagonist, Elisa. She lives on a ranch with her husband in a very isolated part of the country. Yearning for a more fulfilling life, Elisa falls prey to momentary attractions and ends up being crushed for her efforts. Through her actions and the environment that surrounds her, the reader is given an accurate portrayal of Elisa's many character traits. However, Elisa's most profound traits are her …

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…role as a nurturer show this. Elisa's transformation involves the shedding of qualities associated with masculinity and the embrace of femininity. But femininity does not have a place in this society. It is either disregarded, as demonstrated by Henry, or it is used and discarded, as shown by the salesman. At the end, Elisa has accepted defeat. She realizes that, as a woman, her sexual needs and desires have no place in a man's world.