Character Analysis of Mr. Beelzy in John Collier's "Thus I Refute Beelzy"

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
In literature, a beguiling character often uses deception in order to mislead other characters. If an individual is skilled in this art, he may even go so far as to deceive the reader. In John Collier's short story, "Thus I Refute Beelzy," Mr. Beelzy is one such character. Throughout the work, he is able to keep a veil over the eyes of those who 'see' him, and so hide his true intentions. Mr. Beelzy's deceptive …

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…Mr. Beelzy succeeds in this task. Just as he deceives the reader, he also deceives Small Simon, and Small Simon perceives him as the 'good guy' who loves and protects him. Mr. Beelzy is eventually able to eliminate Mr. Carter and essentially the only opposition to his influences. Because Mr. Carter chooses not to treat his son with love, Mr. Beelzy is able to enter, eliminate Mr. Carter, and take Small Simon as his own.