Character- Anna- when hitler stole pink rabbit

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
In the book When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit by Judith Kerr you get sucked into a journey about a young German girl called Anna and hoe her life changes when Hitler takes over. Anna is imaginative, social and intelligent. The book makes out Anna's personality very well. Anna has a great imagination and loves to write and usually writes about disasters. She can write amazing poems when is feeling down or upset. After doing an …

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…the amount of time she had been in France. She doubted herself a lot while she was learning but she was determined and woke up one day realising she had succeeded..."Then one day her whole world changed." In conclusion I really liked this book. I related to Anna and her difficulties made me think about what I would do in that situation. Anna's intelligence, imagination and sociability helped get her through her hard times.