Chapter by chapter analysis of "The Lord of the Flies". Detailed analysis of symbols, setting, society, theme and significan quotes. Set up as a jot note style journal.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Lord of the Flies Journal By: Lucas Tétreault Chapter One: The sound of the shell There is some symbolism shown in the chapter name that can't be discovered until later. During the chapter you find that Ralph has discovered a conch shell and blows it to call everyone together. "The sound of the shell" represents the beginning of their civilization. Symbols: "All round him the long scar smashed into the jungle …

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…Society: Jack's tribe has reached a peak, they are willing to do anything he tells them to. Jack has become an absolut ruler. Finally at the end, the need for tribes is removed. They have been rescued and shall be brought back to a real society. Questions: What would the theme be in this chapter? I think it's still something about the violent nature of humans. But there seems to be something that I'm missing.