Chapter Summaries for "CORN RAID" by James Lincoln Collier

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Chapter 1 About: Richard Meets the Indian Boy Details: *Richard is working in the tobacco field when an Indian boy comes up and runs off with his hoe. *Richard chases after the Indian boy when he corners him and they get into a fight. *Laydon comes and breaks it up and takes the Indian boy named Weetoppin home with him. Point: Metal stuff was valuable in those days. Statement: I think Laydon will make Weetoppin work …

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…paper is and Laydon says that it's at Henry Spofford's. Laydon then went over to Henry Spofford to postpone the raid. *Richard thinks that when his indenture is up, he can hire himself to Laydon and make enough money for a plantation, then get rich and go over to see Weetoppin someday. Point: It's good to stand up for yourself. Statement: I think Richard will become rich and go over to see Weetoppin one day.