Chapter 42 for American Pageant

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Ch. 42 The American People Face A New Century ECONOMIC REVOLUTIONS -General motors, the characteristic Amer corp. (switching from US steel corp.) This singaled a shift to mass consumer economy. -The International Business Machines (IBM) symbolized another transformation to the "information age," when the storing, organizing, and processing of data became an industry in its own right. -There was then a communications revolution w/the emergence of the internet& Microsoft Corp. Where traditional geographic, social&…

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…viewer a creative participants in the paintings meaning. -David Mamet:analyzed the barbarity of American capitalism in Plays like Glengarry Glen Ross and American Buffalo in which he crafted poetry from the sludge of American slang. He made sport of feminism and political correctness in Oleanna a satire about a woman student and her professor. Frank Lloyd Wright produced original designs. Eero Saarinen, contributed a number of imaginative structures, including two Yale University residential colleges.