Changing Self .

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Changing self is a part of the process of living. It is the apprehension of this process that motivates a number of texts. These include the poetry of Gwen Harwood, 'Sky High' from the prescribed booklet Changing, and other related material including 'New Mexico' the photograph, and the Film A Beautiful Mind. We see how the contexts and techniques which shape these texts also shape the process of changing self and thus contributes to its …

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…fe. We may conclude that the above texts have an array of responses to the process of changing self. These can be positive or negative, masculine or feminine and poetic or filmic. But what they convey in common is a complex sense of process which involves some sort of struggle through time. Indeed, the very attempt to apprehend this process which the texts represent, is yet another aspect of the complex process of changing self.