Changing Immigration Patterns.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Immigration to the United States of America has been an ongoing process since colonizing America. The changing pattern of immigration has varied throughout the last century. These changes were brought on by new immigration laws, political, economical, and demographic pressures. The most profound changes in immigration patterns occurred after the Immigration Law Reform in 1965 resulting in immigration from countries that did not send immigrants before, and a dramatic increase of immigrants from previous sending countries. …

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…laws established by the U.S. Government. References: Barone Michael. "Does America Have An Assimilation Problem"? The American Enterprise. December 2000 Roberts Sam. "More Africans Enter U.S. Than in Days of Slavery". The New York Times. 21 Februar 2005: pg1 Modern History Sourcebook. US Immigration <> September 2005 US Census Bureau. "Coming From the Americas: A profile of the Nation's Latin American Foreign Born". Census Brief. September 2000