Changes that occur in "Frankly Frankie"

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
In the book "Frankly Frankie" by Rony Robinson the main character Frankie undergoes many changes throughout the course of the book. In the beginning he is a very negative and angry boy who blames his mother for his parents divorce, he also seems to be in denial about his parents divorce. However at the end of the book Frankie becomes more independent and reasonable, he stops blaming his mother and accepts his parents' divorce. When …

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…the novel. However, that said, I also think that some of the things that may be viewed as negative traits, such as his cynical attitude and 'defunct quadrupeds' comments are quite endearing. They show that he his only human and that help the reader to understand the anger and hurt he is feeling over his situation and his parents' divorce. After reading this book I think that Frankie is a very interesting and complex character.