Changes in opiate use and addiction and in social perceptions of opiates in the USA and England through the 19th and 20th centuries

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Essay Database > History
Social Bore to Crack Whore: The Evolution of the Drug Addict By Amber Robinson Discuss changes in patterns of Opiate Use and Addiction and in social perceptions of opiates in the united states and england in the 19th and 20th Centuries There has been major shifts in the attitude towards opiates and users over the 19th and 20th Century, from its initial state as a medical issue to the current status as a matter for …

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…Allen Lane/ St Martin's Press., chapter 18: Changes of scene Lart, R., 1990 "Changing Images of the Addict and Addiction" at Bristol University Peele, S, (1985), "The Meaning of Addiction. Compulsive Experience and Its Interpretation." Lexington: Lexington Books. Pp. I-26 Bewley Taylor, David R., 1968- "The United States and international drug control, 1909-1997" London: Wellington House, Pp 16-53 Bean, Philip., 1974- "The Social Control of Drugs". New York: Wiley.