Changes in hinduism

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
The New Changes In Hinduism Studies and observations diasporic communities have became quite important in recent years. Diaspora is a term given to a group of individuels who have moved away from their mother country and established themselves in a new country. This new country is different from their orignial country. The word diaspora was associated with the Jewish people, because they were dispersed and lived outside of thier homeland because of religions or other …

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…by the second generation of Hindus, who learn to acccept it. Their identity as a Hindu is not as strong as their parents. For them the death ritual hasn't lost many symbolic elements because they are not familiar with the death ritual in India. The second and third generation of Hindus became so accustomed to the death ritual, that they may start believing that the practice, watching the relatives dead body burn, may be harsh.