Changes in Technology Since Sept 11.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
September 11, 2001 was a devastating day for the United States. As many of us awoke, expecting to continue with our daily routine, the terrorist shattered our hopes for repetitiveness with attacks that struck the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The threat of terrorism is one that has always been a possibility, but our sedimentary lifestyles resulted in a state of bliss in the United States. As a result of the devastating September 11th terrorist attacks …

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…Offices." The Wall Street Journal . (). Retrieved 10 July 2003 <>. VI."Stakes are Higher for Hackers Since Sept. 11." The Mercury News on the Web. 11 August 2002. Retrieved July 10, 2003 <>. VII. Vasishtha, Preeti. "Feds Say the Time is Right to Address Their Work Force Wrongs." Government Computer News 21.2 (January 21 2002). Retrieved 11 July 2003 <>.