Changes in Modern Europe into the 12th century.

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Essay Database > History > European History
Since the 12th century the world has gone thru some changes. Modern Europe was blooming in many areas. People were growing, getting smarter and continuing to question their surroundings. We called this time the Middle Ages. Most of the focus around the 12th century moves from Rome and Greece to England and France. The people around this time lived mostly indoors because of the climate in this part of Europe. Royalty lived in castles and …

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…to correct faulty vision. And, a German named, Albertus Magnus started producing a biological classification of plants based on Aristotle's ideas. Come the 12th century, times had changed. People were learning more and advancing in many new directions. The Catholic Church had dominated this part of Europe and would continue to dominate the rest of Europe as time goes on creating turmoil for some of the non-Catholic areas of Europe as you will soon see.