Changes and Continuities in De

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Essay Database > History
Changes and Continuities in Demographic Migratory Patterns from 1000-1750 There were many changes and continuities in demographic migratory patterns from 1000-1750. Demography is the study of the movement and population of people. This enables us to learn about lives of people in the past. Both the Bantu Migration and the Atlantic Slave Trade were means of Immigration, which is the moving of persons into new areas. The immigration from the Bantu Migration and the later …

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…Bantu Migration, and the Atlantic Slave Trade were mass migrations in Africa, they had very little in common. The Bantu Migration was a voluntary migration, leading to many positive outcomes. It caused cultural diffusion and the spread of the Bantus throughout Africa. The Atlantic Slave Trade was a forced migration, causing an unbalanced population in Africa and suffering in local African industries. The demography of these people allows us to learn and understand about them.