Change of Character. This essay is a character analysis of Dee in Alice Walker's short story, "Everyday Use." The grade was an 85 and could have been higher if the grammer would have been better!
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Essay Database > Literature
In Alice Walker's short story, "Everyday Use", the character Dee was portrayed as quick-witted and determined. The story began with two daughters who were raised alike, yet lived extremely different. There is a fine line of distinction between the traits and aspirations of the two. Alice Walker drew portraits through her words of three women in a family in the short story. Maggie was the youngest daughter who had lived in the shadows and had
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between them. It seems as though Dee sees her mother and sister an ignominy to her family and to their culture. According to Dee they need to make something of themselves and that it is a new day for "them." She is extremely out of touch with her family and does not agree with their lifestyle. For the most part they have grown apart and reached a point to where it is most likely permanent.
between them. It seems as though Dee sees her mother and sister an ignominy to her family and to their culture. According to Dee they need to make something of themselves and that it is a new day for "them." She is extremely out of touch with her family and does not agree with their lifestyle. For the most part they have grown apart and reached a point to where it is most likely permanent.