Change is a process - preliminary HSC essay

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Change is a process - rapid or slow, and to many, change is an inevitable experience, presenting diverse consequences, both positive and negative. However, the effect of such change is determined by the demeanour of the individual approaching this transition. Prescribed and related material such as the novel Maestro by Peter Goldsworthy, the short story Sky-High by Hannah Robert, the poem The Glass Jar composed by Gwen Harwood and the film Good Will Hunting demonstrate …

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…own self that progress through self change was able to be established. Overall, various composers have used numerous techniques to encapsulate change, its concepts and its consequences. As exhibited through the diverse texts, change and its effects rely solely on the attitude of the individual facing that transformation. Change comes in a multitude of forms, and its consequences can have far-reaching implications, be it from loss of innocence, self-acceptance, growing up or discovering another self.