"Change in Nectar in Sieve" by Kamala Markandaya.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In Nectar In A Sieve, Kamala Markandaya emphasizes the changes that every character must adapt to. While in some cases characters try to avoid change or feel pity towards themselves, only those who accept and adjust to change persevere. By showing the various choices that one makes, and their outcomes, Markandaya expresses her opinion that since change is inevitable, in order to survive one must have hope and be optimistic about the future. There are …

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…lives of optimistic and accepting characters as superior to those who insist on keeping every aspect of their life and culture the same. By being intolerant of change, these characters attempt to keep their lives stationary, something that is virtually impossible. In her novel primarily about the changes brought upon a rural Indian society Markandaya expresses her opinion that change is essential, and that one who attempts to ignore it to stay happy cannot succeed.