Change Is Inevitable!

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Literature
<Tab/> Change Is Inevitable! Notice your reaction to that statement. Change IS inevitable. Pay attention to your body's reaction, your mind, your emotions. Did you feel any fear? Any 'oh-oh' kind of feeling? Any insecurity about what change might bring? If so, it may be because you need to create an underlying belief that change is wonderful and that it always brings improvement over the present. What is it about the …

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…and to finish old projects rather than planning new ones. I'm going to try to live my life as if there is no tomorrow, not in the hedonistic sense of "eat, drink and be merry," though there's certainly nothing too bad about that, but in the sense of trying to make the most of every day and finishing what I've started rather than leaving loose ends around for someone else to have to pick up.