Central America

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Essay Database > History
Central America Central America, just south of Mexico and North of Panama, consists of just six countries; Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. Of those six, all share a distinct common history except for Belize. Belize for one is incredibly small, and while Spanish is the official language of other Central American countries, in Belize English is spoken. So throughout this paper as I carelessly say 'Central American' I am not including …

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…would have been very different. Our intervention has left a lasting impression on Nicaragua's political and economic situation. In a rebellion which caused " $1.5 billion in property loss, a 2% reduction in the overall population, and years of turmoil " (Pg 68, Booth and Walker) the domestic market was destroyed. No one can say whether our actions were justified or not but it will most likely be on the minds of many Nicaraguans for a long time to come..