Centers of Intelligence

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Pages: 5
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Essay Database > Literature > English
The traditional exposition of the enneagram begins with an explanation of the three centers of intelligence from which man operates, and in general, there are three types of men. The three centers are the head center or intellectual center, the heart center or the emotional center and the belly center or the physical center. All three centers are active in each person, and are necessary for survival. However, the mentally-based man operates primarily out of …

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…for you to find a physical activity that turns you on to this extent. Welcome the frustrations and negative emotions that are sure to arise, and use them as transformational material to achieve a higher state of awareness. What a wonderful world this could be if we all took the advice of G. I. Gurdjeiff, who advised us not to act out our negative emotions, but to tap into them as a source of self-observation.