Censorship Debate essay

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Censorship has been a large issue in the history of the United States for quite some time. Though this is the home of the free and land of the brave, how far does the freedom go? Current censorship completely holds back literary works that are made into Television shows and movies Currently, 40 percent of the population opposes censorship. The other 60 percent of the population either do not care about censorship or promotes it. The entertainment …

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…this amendment that our forefathers wrote being taken away from the hard working people in the nation? The United States is glorified as the country where any and all decisions are made by the people, not the government or any orginazation. The land of the free and home of the brave is nothing more than a motto now. Most would agree it is now the land of the *beep* and the home of the *beep*