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Essay Database > Literature > English
Controversy and music have always gone hand-in-hand. Lyrics, dance moves, and clothing, or lack of it are always in the spotlight, which generates much debate. Some call it art, others call it bad taste. As with all creative expressions, the beauty is all in the eyes and ears of the beholder. If we censor the media, disallowing certain music to be played, we will be taking away an art form that exposes what the world …

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…should they be, the only role models we have. That is the responsibility of the parents, to provide an example of judgement. No direct link between anti-social behavior and exposure to the content of any form of artistic expression has ever been scientifically established. Moreover, scapegoating artistic expression as a cause of social ills is ridiculous. How can people expect that serious social problems like violence, racism or suicide be solved by covering children's ears?