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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The censorship of pornography has been an issue that has been under constant debate in our society. There are many arguments for and against the censorship of pornographic materials. In the broadest of explanations, the argument supporting an increase in censorship is rooted in the belief that such material may cause direct and/or indirect detriments to society. Advocates for freedom of expression feel that increased censorship violates many basic human rights and consequently may …

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…he protection that censorship provides. She is also states that many radical feminists in their pursuit in strengthening their anti-pornography position are compromising the feminist movement by siding with anti-feminists conservatives. McElroy points out the dangers in adding to the credibility of groups that may turn on a dime against them. It is also the position of the author that many radical feminists are in fact diverting many of the real issues confronting women today.