Cellphones At School

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Cell phones should be banned from rural schools. There is no reason for them in rural schools, they are a distraction, and finally they could aid in violent doings. First, there is no reason for them. There are ways of getting ahold of whoever you need(parents). If you need to call your parents; the office will be more than glad to let you use there phone. Also, there are pay phones. Next, they are …

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…violent acts. People can call out & say "Hey I just pulled the fire alarm; it's time to come & shoot everyone." You might not think that can happen in your school but it really could. Finally, cell phone should be banned from rural schools. There is no reason for them; they are a distraction; and finally they can result into violent acts. Bibliography Iam 15 I attend county high school last minute book reports keep me surviving