Celebration of Multiculturalism Reduces Racism

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Brown, Black, and White are colours that add faces to our diverse multicultural society. The celebration of Multiculturalism reduces racism in our society. For many years in our history we have been engaged in racist issues, which would result with gangs, murders, racist remarks, or insults. Now, a country like Canada is providing an opportunity for everyone to gather as a whole, instead of being separated by race. Our diverse community has now been advertised …

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…way, although some people have not acknowledged this fact. Hopefully we will endure a safe environment for those individuals that will provide the same distinct colours to various parts of the world. Multiculturalism only provides a sense of reality, and helps us understand others, as a human that's important for each individual on the face of the earth. Together celebrating multiculturalism, we eliminate anger, hate, and war. Keep celebrating, we should be thankful for it.