Causes of the French Revolution

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Essay Database > History > European History
The French Revolution had many causes. Some of the causes were dealt with political, social, and economical reasons. Out of the three estates, the third was the most dissatisfied with the conditions. The ideas of the Enlightenment lead to new views of the government and society. In France the nobles and clergy enjoyed special privileges. They did not have to pay taxes. The common people worked hard and had to pay heavy taxes. The nobles …

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…with the unfair system of the Estates General. They formed the National Assembly to make a constitution. People were afraid that the king would suppress the National Assembly. They were also discontented that the king dismissed Necker, the popular Finance Minister. The hungry French people, who suffered from bad harvest, burst out their anger by attacking the Bastille prison. The Fall of Bastille started the French Revolution. It spread out to other parts of France.