Causes of the Civil War in 1861.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Many conflicts between the north and south created sectionalism which is defined as a separation of ideals in different sections of a country. Slavery, the economy, and the disputes over rights all contributed to the sectionalism between the northern and southern states that inevitably lead to the American Civil War in 1861. The issue of slavery brought about many conflicts between the north and south. In the beginning slavery was not that great of a problem …

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…of the civil war. The Dred Scott Case was an example of such an argument. The Federal Government had no authority to force states to make slavery illegal. This gave states more power and shows that people disagreed about what powers the federal government could exercise. This, along with many other disagreements, was a major cause of the Civil War and an increase in sectionalism. Federal rights increased the sectionalism between the northerners and southerners.