Causes of the Civil War

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Essay Database > History
Civil War was a war fought within the United States of America between the North (Union) and the South (Confederacy) starting from 1861 and ending in 1865. This war was one of the most destructive events in American history, costing more than 600,000 lives. It was thought to be one that helped shape the character of the American individual today. This unfortunate war started as a result of many years of differences between the Union and the Confederacy. …

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…not agreed on one general cause of the Civil War. Some argue that slavery was the main cause. Others believe that the war resulted from economic rivalry between the industrial North and the agricultural South. But was it only about slavery? No. It was also about the constitutional argument over whether or not a state had a right to leave the Union and of primary concern to most southern soldiers--the continuation of antebellum southern culture.