Causes of Suicide - Emile Durk
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Pages: 10
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Pages: 10
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
The causes of suicide (especially in males) will try to be explained by using the theories of Emile Durkheim and numerous other ideas by familiar sociologists.
Modern approaches to the study of suicide are preoccupied by the idea of 'risk' factors but it is argued that this approach does little to advance the understandings of suicide rates. Durkheim provided a realist theory. By contrast modern approaches to the study of suicide which talk of 'risk
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thought by Durkheim to indicate a gradual, chronic increase in anomie with the increasing modernising of societies and the breakdown in their traditional forms of social solidarity. It may be that economic and sexual changes, in the next decades, will stabilize. Young male suicide rates might then stop increasing so sharply. Note that this is just a speculation, there would have to be more extensive research done to distinctly prove these relationships are directly related.
thought by Durkheim to indicate a gradual, chronic increase in anomie with the increasing modernising of societies and the breakdown in their traditional forms of social solidarity. It may be that economic and sexual changes, in the next decades, will stabilize. Young male suicide rates might then stop increasing so sharply. Note that this is just a speculation, there would have to be more extensive research done to distinctly prove these relationships are directly related.