Causes of Societal Change In The United States

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The structure of American society is highly conducive to social change and predictions relating to trends of social change have proven difficult to make. Generally one will see that several different factors affect social change, which are generally complex and varied. An examination will be made as to the effects of population, urbanization, bureaucracy, technology, and ecology on American society. Major growth or decline in population is likely to generate social change. The population total …

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…many ways are entwined together. Hopefully man's knowledge will continue to increase and negative effects of various conditions will decline in future years. Works Cited 1. Hamby/Knudsen/Perrucci. Sociology. May 1988 2. Horton/Hunt. Sociology. May 1989 3. Rose/Glazer/Glazer. Sociology - Inquiring into Society. 1988 4. Central Intelligence Agency. January 2003. Washington D.C. 5. Central Intelligence Agency. January 2003. Washington D.C.