Causes of Revolution War

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
The American Revolution had its beginnings in the french and indian war. For seven years, Britian battled the french and indian nations in the colonies. After winning the war, Britian had a huge debt to pay. To pay these expenses, George Grenville, who was secretary of Treasury in England, came up with a plan. He reasoned that the debt should be payed by taxing the colonies because the war had been fought to protect their …

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…propaganda, such as "common sense" and the decleration of independence, to paint the british as ungodly tyrants. The british decided one night to capture the leaders of both classes, Hancock and Adams. The Americans caught onto the plan and sent paul revere to warn hancock and adams. When the british showed up at lexington and concord to capture the leaders and an arsenel, they were greeted by militia men, who fired upon them in protest.