Causes of Civil War

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Civil War was the most costly war America ever fought; it lost more men in that war alone than it did in any of its other wars combined. The issues that caused the Civil War had been brewing since the United States was formed. The most important causes Southerners listed for the wars were unfair taxation, states' rights, and the slavery issue. Southerners felt that the Federal government was passing laws, such as import taxes, …

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…ask for states rights. In conclusion the war fought from both sides was "fair". Slavery was not the only reason the civil war erupted but also for states rights and unfair taxation. Southerners couldn't live without slavery and North hated it. North or "Union" had more advantage in the war then the South, "Confederacy". President Lincoln thought that the only way to end slavery is by war, he also wanted to keep the Union united.