Causes for the Abdication of Tsar Nicholas Two

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Essay Database > History > European History
Many reforms were undergone to result in Tsar Nicolas abdicating the throne. This happened through a series of major interrelated causes, events, influences, individuals, and groups. The five major and most influential causes to result in the Tsars abdication were; bloody Sunday, 1905 Revolution, Russio-japanese war, October manifesto, and WW1. For almost all Russia's history, her people were not content, and at the beginning of the 20th century, the average employee worked 11-hour days. Conditions in …

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…and distrust toward the Tsar. Just as mortifying the Tsarina- who had immaculate influence over the Tsar, was German. Narodinks seized the opportunity to gain significant trust and power in the proletariat and peasants- (86% of Russian society) through socialist policies. By 1917, majority of Russian people were adopting Bolshevik policies. This pushed the Duma to take action. They did this by strongly advising the Tsar to abdicate the throne, which he complied with on May 2nd.