Causes and Us involvement in World War I

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
Outline I. Introduction A. Quote B. Question: What events caused the world to go to war? Why did the United States become involved? II. Body A. Nationalism and Imperialism B. Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand C. The United States and the War 1. Neutrality 2. Trade 3. U-boats III. Conclusion A. Mention most important points B. Answer question IV. Bibliography Introduction On the day of April 2, 1917 President Woodrow Wilson went before Congress asking for a declaration of war. …

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…' American Heritage Feb. 1974:101-102 Commager, Henry Steele ed. The American Destiny: Making the World Safe for Democracy, Volume 12. London: Orbis Book Publishing Corporation Ltd, 1986 ' The First World War: Cause and Course. ' Historical Journal ' The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. ' Military Review 1994: 69-72 Leckie, Robert. The Story of World War 1 Random House: New York City, NY: 1965 ' World War 1 ' Encarta. 1997 ed. ' World War 1 ' World Book Encyclopedia. 1996 ed.